Sunday, September 13, 2009

“Tell-Tale Heart”

For homework this weekend we had to watch these three videos and compare them. On the following text I will compare the three videos and I will tell you which one I liked the best and why. And which one made me understand the actual story better.



The first video was the one that made me understand the story best. The person who was reading the story was talking very clearly, and that helped me to understand what he was saying. The video images were describable enough to contribute to my understanding. The person that was telling the story was making the story scary and very interesting. He was emphasizing the right words and that made the video successful.
The second video wasn’t so good to my opinion. It was very scary and the story wasn’t clear. It was messed up, it was going back and forth and if I didn’t know the story it would be hard to follow.
The third video though, was very funny! But if I haven’t seen the first video or heard the story I wouldn’t understand ANYTHING! It was funny but the little puppet could use more crops to make it more interesting.

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