1. Politics and political problems are a problem for adults to deal with.
1. I agree and disagree about this because it depends to what we mean by adults. If we are talking about people older than 18 then its different. Sometimes people from 20-30 years old and even a little bit older, have great, new, fresh ideas about the politics, which is if they are studying and having a good idea of what’s going on in politics. That will make our government refresh and we will have better ideas and ways of solving some problems. Where on the other hand if we mean adults above 50, who don’t take be wrong but they have the same standards and beliefs like their great grandpa had. So this way if we are stuck on the past and the past way of dealing with politics, then the world, and the government will not go forward. But of course older people have more experience than young adults. That’s why I believe that people who are involved in politics should not only be young people nor old people. So therefore we have the experience and the knowledge from the elders and the fresh and new ideas from the young adults. On the other hand if you are talking about young kids under 18 years old then I strongly agree they shouldn’t be involved. They may follow if they are interested in what is going on but they shouldn’t be practically involved.
2. All scenarios have a happy ending if those involved work towards it.
2. Because this statement is so general I disagree and agree again. It always depends on the people but also in the environment the scenario takes place. For example, lets say we have this couple that they really work to keep their relationship healthy and enjoyable by both of them, but the woman had grown up in a palace and she is extremely rich, where her dear husband is from a poor and big family. They can’t continue being in this relationship because the woman’s parents don’t approve this husband for their daughter. So there is no happy end since it didn’t depend on how hard this people worked but on where they lived and this scenario took place. But if we have to people that are deeply in love and they work very hard to keep a good relationship between them and the environment around them is positive. Then we defiantly have a happy end.
3. Literacy (being able to read) is a form of freedom.
3.I totally agree, because if you can’t read and write then it’s like you are isolated from the rest of the world. You can’t read the newspaper, magazines, books, laws, menus and many others. So if an earthquake is about to happen and the meteorologists reported that on the newspaper you wouldn’t be able to read it and you would depend on others to tell you. Also if your country has applied some new rules that you have to be aware of and you should read them from a document. Then for sure you loose your freedom since you will end up in jail! Magazines and books free the mind and help the people get an image of what goes around the. Books also help people by giving them the chance to “live” a life they are interested in and learn new things, and become intelligent and valuable people in life. So it’s a kind of freedom from the present you live in. also if you go away with your friends to a restaurant then you can’t order from the menu. And that makes you codependent to your friends, and I don’t think that’s cool!
4. Civilizations without a written language cannot effectively document history. (No technology)
4. I agree with this statement strongly. Because like poems or songs that we know from our grand elders are changed from generation to generation, either on purpose or by a misunderstanding; like this an important history fact that have changed the world then or even a not so important history fact could be transformed into something completely different and untrue. So let’s say the only way to keep history without it being written down everything would be a mess. The story from mouth to mouth will change and people will maybe forget something and replace it with something else. And then some people will say that this happen and others will say that that happen. So we wouldn’t know who to trust and they wouldn’t know if the story they say its true or the generation before them has changed it in someway. Also a story from a generation without ancestors would be lost and from mouth to mouth those history-stories won’t stay forever in our memory.