The clothes of the actors and actresses that will play in the movie will be casual. Maybe jeans and simple t-shirts, because the will suppose to discover this old mansion and find interesting things in there, so they will be young women and men searching this old, house and maybe finding things that might change the world. Also the music will be classic and a piano with a violet will be playing. It will sound delicate and scary. It will make the audience being more scared and the music will get louder and “heavier” when a scene with something mysterious or when something bad will happen, it will scare the audiences even more. I would suggest that the mansion will be full of rats, and traps for unexpected visitors, and little holes with nasty mice inside. Also I will suggest that those young “visitors” will be in a major danger, ‘cause who ever tried to search in that creepy mansion never came back…! The night that they will visit will be cloudy, with a very bright moon and with a deep blue-black color on the night sky.